March, 2011 Archives
Public Safety Telecommunicator Week
WHEREAS, Telecommunicators are an essential entity that provide emergency support and communication in the Public Safety community
National Nursing Home Week
WHEREAS, the citizens of Alabama now residing in nursing homes have greatly enriched the heritage, success and growth of our state
Civitan Awareness Month
WHEREAS, on March 17, 1917, a group of businessmen set out to form one of the most active volunteer civic organizations in the United States
Governor Bentley Declares Proration of the State’s General Fund Budget
Press Releases
MONTGOMERY— Governor Robert Bentley today declared 15 percent proration of the state’s General Fund budget for the remainder of FY 2011. Governor Bentley signed the proratio…
Governor Bentley Begins Process of Closing Tax Loopholes
Press Releases
MONTGOMERY— Governor Robert Bentley today announced that he had begun the administrative process of closing business income tax loopholes. The Department of Revenue has submitted …
Provider Appreciation Day
WHEREAS, the Alabama Partnership for Children and other organizations nationwide are recognizing child care providers on this day
Facts on Saving and Investing Campaign Month
WHEREAS, saving and investing are essential to the financial stability of all the citizens of Alabama
National Healthy Schools Day
WHEREAS, Alabama is dedicated to enhancing and preserving the safety, health and well-being of our children, especially in the school environment
Donate Life Month
WHEREAS, individuals who register as organ donors can give a new lease on life to someone awaiting a transplant
Week of the Young Child
WHEREAS, the Alabama Partnership for Children in partnership with other state and local organizations, in conjunction with the National Association for the Education of Young Children, …