WHEREAS, the State of Alabama is subject to severe tropical weather, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, severe winter weather and/or other events that may produce displaced populations;
WHEREAS, the State of Alabama has a history of hurricanes and other events that have required the sheltering and mass care of multitudes of persons;
WHEREAS, the Alabama Sheltering and Mass Care Taskforce (the “Task Force”) was established to organize and conduct meetings and develop and coordinate the State of Alabama Sheltering and Mass Care Plan (the “Plan”);
WHEREAS, the Task Force is chaired by the Alabama Department of Human Resources and is composed of appointed representatives from the following agencies:
1. Alabama Department of Human Resources (chair)
2. Alabama Emergency Management Agency,
3. Alabama Department of Public Health,
4. Alabama Association of Emergency Managers,
5. American National Red Cross,
6. Salvation Army,
7. Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries,
8. Alabama College System,
9. Alabama Department of Homeland Security,
10. Alabama Governor’s Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives,
11. Alabama Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters,
12. Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency,
13. Mobile County Emergency Management Agency,
14. Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency,
15. Madison County Emergency Management Agency, and
16. Escambia Emergency Management Agency;
WHEREAS, the Task Force prepared and adopted a Plan that coordinated the entities responsible for mass care and sheltering; and
WHEREAS, based on the efforts of the Task Force, the State of Alabama adopted a revised EOP that more clearly and succinctly defines the roles, responsibilities, resources, and procedures necessary to ensure that emergency assistance becomes available as soon as possible following a disaster or major incident.
NOW, THEREFORE, based upon these considerations, and for other good and valid reasons related thereto, I Robert Bentley, Governor of the State of Alabama, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama, do hereby appoint additional members to the Task Force and direct when the Task Force shall meet.
BE IT ORDERED, that the Task Force shall meet annually and at the call of the Chair to review the status of the Plan and any issues that have arisen in the implementation of the Plan. If needed, any revised Plan shall be submitted to the Governor by April 1st of each year for approval.
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that the Task Force shall also include appointed representatives from the following agencies:
17. The Governor’s Office of Disability,
18. The Department of Mental Health, and
19. Other agencies/groups as may be appointed by the Governor.
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that the Task Force shall meet annually or at such other times as requested by the Chair. All council members shall serve without compensation.
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that no person or individual shall continue to serve, as a member on the Task Force when he or she no longer represents the function or serves in the capacity enumerated in this Executive Order.
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that this Executive Order become effective immediately upon signing and shall remain in force until such time as it is modified or rescinded by the Governor and this Executive Order replaces, amends and otherwise terminates all other prior Executive Orders relating hereto, including Executive Order Number 41, issued on May 20, 2008.
DONE AND ORDERED this 31st day of July, 2012.
Robert Bentley
Beth Chapman
Secretary of State
Provided by the Office of the Governor of Alabama | governor.alabama.gov