WHEREAS, the people of the State of Alabama have a vital interest in long-term public policies for the economic, physical and human resource development of small business resources in the State of Alabama as a whole and of each of its regions;

WHEREAS, small business is the engine of job growth, creating three out of four jobs, and small businesses are an integral part of the framework in the American economic system, ensuring the preservation and expansion of free enterprise, vigorous competition and consumer-driven markets, essential elements for the economic wellbeing of a free people;

WHEREAS, formulating policies, encouraging innovation, and discussing issues critical to the economic growth of small, independent businesses and their interests will encourage the formation of and foster the growth of small businesses in the State of Alabama;

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of  the people of the State of Alabama that small businesses assist in the development of public policies that minimize cumbersome and unnecessary regulations and complexity for small business owners; and,

WHEREAS, the State Government should be an advocate for small business and entrepreneurs who work to create additional opportunities for new and growing small businesses and sustain those which are already in existence by providing a venue through which the voice of small business owners may be heard.

NOW, THEREFORE, based upon these considerations and for other good and valid reasons thereto, I, Robert Bentley, Governor of the State of Alabama, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama, do hereby create theAlabama Small Business Commission, hereinafter referred to as “the Commission,” which shall serve as an advisory body to the State in formulating and promoting policies relating to small business, and the Alabama Small Business Advisory Committee, hereinafter referred to as “the Advisory Committee,” which shall serve as a technical and informational resource to the Commission.

The Commission shall be composed by the following appointees, who shall serve a two year term with the option of a two year reappointment:

  • Fifteen appointments by the Governor of the State of Alabama

o    Seven appointments, one for each Congressional district
o   One appointment from three recommendations by the Alabama Homebuilders Association
o   One appointment from  three recommendations by the Alabama Retail Association
o   One appointment from three recommendations by the Alabama Bankers Association
o   One appointment from three recommendations by the Medical Association of Alabama
o   One appointment from three recommendations by the Alabama Farmers Federation
o   One appointment from three recommendations by the Alabama Trucking Association
o   One appointment from three recommendations by the Alabama Association of General Contractors
o   One appointment from three recommendations by the Alabama Automobile Dealers Association
o   The Governor may make additional appointments as necessary

  • Two appointments by the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Alabama

o   One appointment from three recommendations by the Alabama Forestry Association
o   One at-large appointment

  • Two appointments by the Speaker of the House of Representatives

o   One appointment from the Service/Hospitality/Tourism Industry sector
o   One appointment of a current House member

  • Two appointments by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate

o   One appointment from the Manufacturing Industry sector
o   One appointment of a current Senate member

The Advisory Committee will include the following members:

  • The Commissioner of the Department of Revenue, or his or her designee
  • The Commissioner of the Department of Labor, or his or her designee
  • The Secretary of the Department of Commerce, or his or her designee
  • A representative of the Alabama Association of Chambers of Commerce, appointed by the Governor
  • A representative of the Economic Development Association of Alabama, appointed by the Governor
  • A representative of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama, appointed by the Governor
  • A representative of the Alabama League of Municipalities, appointed by the Governor
  • A representative of the Utility Industry, appointed by the Governor
  • A representative of the Two-Year College System, appointed by the Governor
  • Additional appointments at the Governor’s pleasure

All members appointed by the Governor shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

BE IT ORDERED, that the Commission will serve as an advisory body in formulating policies, encouraging innovation, and discussing issues critical to the economic growth of small and independent businesses and their interest in the State of Alabama.  Furthermore, the Commission will promote polices to assist new business start-ups and expansion of existing businesses. The Commission will meet at least quarterly and additionally, at the call of the Chair. The Commission shall present an annual report to the Governor at the end of each calendar year beginning in December 2015.

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED,that the Chair of both the Commission and Advisory Committee will be the State Director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, who shall be a voting member of the Commission. An Executive Director may be appointed by the Governor, serving at the Governor’s pleasure, to manage the responsibilities of the Commission.

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED,that Commission membership shall be business owners or their designee representing businesses with fifty or fewer employees.

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED,that the Advisory Committee provide technical assistance and serve as an information resource to the Commission as the Commission members explore best practices and areas of reform including current rules, regulations, and existing state statutes.  The Advisory Committee members shall attend all meetings of the Commission as non-voting attendees.  The Advisory Committee will provide guidance on the proposed recommendations as set forth by the Commission.

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that this Executive Order shall become effective immediately upon signing and shall remain in force until such time as it is modified or rescinded by the Governor.

DONE AND ORDERED this 15th day of September, 2014.

Robert Bentley

Jim Bennett
Secretary of State