Alabama Society Colonial Dames XVII Century

By the Governor of Alabama

WHEREAS, the National Society of the Colonial Dames XVII Century was organized on July 15,1915 during an International Genealogical Congress meeting of the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco, California; and

WHEREAS, this organization was chartered to establish a College of Heraldry and found chairs of Historical Colonial Research in Colleges and Universities to aid in the preservation of records and historical sites; and

WHEREAS, the Society commemorates the heroic deeds of the men and women whose high principles of virtue, courage and patriotism, led to the independence of the Colonies and the foundation of the United States of America; and

WHEREAS, 2016 marks the 63rd Anniversary of the Charter of the Alabama Society of the Colonial Dames XVII Century; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to officially recognize and congratulate this patriotic Society during this yearly Anniversary celebration because it has truly bettered the state of Alabama through the efforts and work of its members; therefore be it:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama, do hereby proclaim February 13, 2016 as

Alabama Society Colonial Dames XVII Century

for its service to the State of Alabama.

Given Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the Office of the Governor at the State Capitol in the City of Montgomery on the 10th day of November 2015.

Robert Bentley