WHEREAS, gaming in Alabama has been the subject of dispute and controversy as to forms of gaming permitted or prohibited both by Alabama law, including constitutional provisions and local constitutional amendments, and Alabama Supreme Court case law, as well as federal law governing gaming on Indian tribal lands located adjacent to Alabama state lands;
WHEREAS, vast time and public resources have been spent debating current laws and developing new laws related to gaming and games of chance and debating whether to allow state gaming laws to be in parity with federal gaming laws; and
WHEREAS, the State of Alabama, its citizens and its government, need a fresh perspective on past efforts and a clear path forward as it pertains to gaming and games of chance.
NOW, THEREFORE, based upon these considerations, and for other good and valid reasons related thereto, I Robert Bentley, Governor of the State of Alabama, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama, do hereby issue this Executive Order to establish the Alabama Advisory Council on Gaming (Council), with members appointed as follows:
- Five appointments by the Governor
- Two members of the Alabama House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House, one Democrat and one Republican
- Two members of the Alabama Senate, appointed by the President Pro Tem of the Senate, one Democrat and one Republican
- One representative of the Alabama District Attorneys Association, appointed by the Governor
- One representative of the Alabama Sheriffs Association, appointed by the Governor
- Additional appointments by the Governor as the Governor deems necessary
BE IT ORDERED, that the Governor shall designate the chair of the Council, and members of the Council shall serve at the pleasure of the respective appointing authority.
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that the Council will assess the current state and local laws on gambling, as well as the taxes generated therefrom, and will evaluate the best practices in other states, including the tax revenue structures and the enabling and implementing regulations and laws, as well as compare Alabama state laws to applicable federal gaming laws. By January 31, 2017, the Council will present findings and recommendations on gaming to the Governor, the President Pro Tem of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House.
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the Council shall meet at the call of the chair and members may participate in meetings via telephonic or video conferencing. Members of the Council shall not receive compensation.
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that this Executive Order shall become effective immediately upon its execution and shall remain in effect until amended or modified by the Governor.
DONE AND ORDERED this 3rd day of October, 2016.
Robert Bentley
John H. Merrill
Secretary of State
The signed copy is available here.
Provided by the Office of the Governor of Alabama | governor.alabama.gov